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Roger Sutcliffe

Roger is one of the world’s leading authorities on P4C and philosophical education. He was a founder and President of SAPERE, the UK charity promoting P4C, and President of ICPIC, the International Council for Philosophical Inquiry with Children. He graduated in Philosophy and Modern Languages at Oxford, and has taught at primary and secondary level.  He trained in P4C under Professor Lipman.  Roger is an outstanding facilitator of dialogue, with both large audiences and small groups. Roger is President of DialogueWorks

Good to be me: SEAL theme 5


A 6-page document providing a way into the Primary Seal Theme, 'Good to be me'. It provides a menu of choices, ideally for children themselves, that enable them to explore 10 of the key concepts related to the main theme.

Any one or pair of the concepts could provide the basis for a whole session or more, especially if linked with a story or other stimulus, whether chosen from the SEAL collection or elsewhere.

This approach is not attempting to replace or even diminish the central theme of the SEAL unit.

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